Monday, July 2, 2007

The Bastards Followed Me

"Gee Dad, I sure hope I will be seeing less cockroaches in NYC."
"You won't see them again," Dad says.

2am, very tired. I go to brush my teeth and wash my face before bed. Holy crap!!! Ugggh!!! Crawling from the floor up to the bathroom mirror, a 4 inch cockroach. I grab a shoe, but he's gone. I put the shoe down and try to proceed w/ my nightly ritual, but I can't help the tension in my back and neck and my toes curling. I peer into the living room. Crap! Crap, crap, crap! Another one. Bastards!! I couldn't catch him. These suckers are on steroids.

I recall asking the girl who lived here before me if there were cockroaches. She said, "No, I've lived here for a while and have only seen a couple of water bugs." I didn't know what water bugs were, all I cared about was her confirmation that there were no cockroaches. Water bugs my butt, they look like freakin' cockroaches to me. I guess there is no escaping those hearty suckers, they are survivors.


Anonymous said...

They probably attached to your luggage like that lizard did your car.

hellolorna said...

fumigate that place! then you'll be unpleasantly surprised by dead cockroaches, not live ones.