Friday, June 6, 2008

If you don't know– Ask.

You’re baking a cake. Let’s just say it’s carrot. A lovely assistant hands you ingredients as you call them off. “2 eggs”. You get 2 eggs. “¾ cup sugar”. You get ¾ cup of salt?! You say, “½ tsp of vanilla” and you get Worcestershire sauce?! Request carrots and you get celery?! A celery cake?!...A celery cake?! This is no “lovely assistant”. This is the opposite of lovely and I can’t bake like this!!

Sometimes I want to teach a little workshop on images, file format, size, resolution and such– Just some basic crap that I really need you to understand. You’ll take notes. And when I am finished, we’ll have two special guests- my roommates. And these fine gentlemen are going to tattoo those notes on your forearm so that you can 1.) feel my pain and 2.) never forget what I have taught you.

*please note: this is comical venting. no anger mgmt problem here :)


Sleemo said...

interesting image choice.

Anonymous said...

Hey - is that sleemo's signature that I see on that illustration?!!
Anger mgmt....I thought this blog was about the fine art of cooking...and freelancing with the recipe...duh? I am cornfused! After further review I believe a blog on Angus Management is in order. Angus = Steaks = BBQ :-)
Grilled corn on the cob and other veggies (drizzled with olive oil and sea salt.Mmmmmmmm)Gitter dun!!!
Wile E