Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ridge of Blue

With great desire to cross the spackled range, the black speck trails over the rough white terrain in solitude. Just him, his walking stick and a worn canvas pack. With every two steps the sun, a millimeter closer. Meditating adventure.

Kill the lights. Beneath cool sheets, by just the glow of a silent screen, numbers are scratched onto a grid marked easy. My eyes begin to burn and I drift away. Slumber- interrupted by a persistent car alarm. I spot a light. Flicker, Flick... Flicker, Flick. The car alarm eventually subsides to reveal a sweet, subtle melody coming from above. I love harmonicas. An army green pyramid points down at me.

I float away again and find myself laying in the tall grass. Light dims down and back up again as clouds go by in the sunset. Amoeba-shaped shadows undulate throughout the range and the sky tries on everything in its closet.

I lift myself up from the earth and transport to the fourth of july. Trudging through the sloppy, deserted trails, I try and locate a single square of dry cloth to wipe my specs. The water only relocates on the glass and now fog is added to the mix. It marks a challenge and excitedly, I climb faster and faster. The further I venture, the heavier I become. And as I descend the mountain, satisfied, I am light.

Waking-woven dreaming.
That range became my ceiling.


Sleemo said...

dang mama.

(a teeny beetle with a teenier campfire)

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you might be spending far too much time with those challenged daily for decent shelter and a hot meal.
Step back into the light my friend and breath deep.
Take to heart this deep and sage word from the wise : Cows don't care what you're wearing. Cows only care that your hands are warm.

Anonymous said...

I heard the department of health closed your blogue? Wat hoppen?

Anonymous said...

Your voicemail is full and won't accept another message. Is there another number where you can be reached? It would be a good idea to have an alternate contact or number.
Just being a dad...

Anonymous said...

emseesee - aren't you are supposed to post more often than your visitors?!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
I resolve to nag you into being a more consistent blogger this year {:-)
Wile E