Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Shake Off All That Hate

Last weekend I moved...finally. No more bed-stuy. This is good because the laws of probability are real my friends, and I was starting to feel like they were about to come after me.

On my way home after being offered my new apartment, waiting patiently for the train at broadway junction, I saw a crazy-looking lady and was thankful that we were walking across the platform in opposite directions. The train pulled up and I stepped inside the car. Who happened to sit directly across from me? Yes...it was her. Without looking up, I felt her eyes slicing into me. I started thinking that this wasn't going to turn out well for me. We exited the car at the same stop, but through different doors and then headed up the stairs. And that's when she started, "You little white xxxxx. You creamy-xxx xxxxxx-xxxxxx." etc, etc. And she was picking up speed, walking towards me. I tried ignoring her and just going through the turnstyle. I headed for the stairs up to the street when I got the feeling she might swing at me or pull me down the stairs by the back of my head. I turned back around and hid out for a bit next to the station attendant until I could no longer hear her raging mouth.

I have had many racist and angry things shouted at me in the three months I lived there, but this was the first time I actually felt threatened. More than anything I usually just felt unwelcome.

I am now off the Grand stop on the L and so very pleased. It's only been a few days, but already life seems significantly easier.

Bit by bit, I slowly make progress, swimming like salmon.


Anonymous said...

There's more of her type in the world than most of us care to imagine. Just be glad that she was flying her "true colors." It's the skid-balls that conceal their real flags (and intentions)that we need to stay alert for.
Bravo- for how you handled the dillema. Being a creative thinker is certainly a BIG plus for anyone who wasn't born/raised into that environment.
Curious, have you decided yet between the rack or the bed of nails as a means of sleeping comfort? {:-)
Wile E

Anonymous said...

What, no skinny to report from NY these days?